It is a non-surgical procedure developed by Beauty Lounge medical staff after numerous trials and errors for those who suffer cosmetic and functional difficulties due to their eyes that do not close after double eyelid and eye correction surgery.
The reason why you should get it from an experienced doctor is that eye correction without closing is a difficult procedure to correct even with surgery, so please get it from an experienced medical staff.
01Correction of more than 90% of non-closed eyes
02Excessive adhesion after eye surgery
031st and 2nd procedures for natural improvement
04Definitely improve symptoms without surgery!
01Postoperative eye-closing person
02People who sleep with their eyes open after surgery
03Anyone who wants a reliable doctoer procedure?
04Anyone who was informed that correction is not possible at another hospital?
1To reduce the risk of inflammation, keep the regenerated tape for at least 24 hours.
2Take prescription drugs well to reduce the risk of inflammation.
3Refrain from heavy drinking or smoking for a week to reduce the risk of inflammation.
4The pain in bruises and swelling gradually improves, but it can last for one to two weeks.